Thursday, October 9, 2008

JSTOR Search reveiw

I did not find the JSTORE site very helpful, although it is a recourse I could see being very useful in the future. I tried many combinations of words and there was only one of any real value, which was the first one from William and Mary college. I believe it was a primary document, which was useful.
But the other things it brought up were generally unhelpful, bringing up articles about Francis Bacon and Leisler's Rebellion.
There were things I appreciated about the site though, the best being the ability to email the citation to your personal address, that was a very useful feature. (Although I tried this, and the attachments were broken)
I also liked that you could view a list of pages with the search terms, and that you could click on links to just those pages, instead of having to read through all of them trying to find what you need. It was like an instant index, witch I found really impressive, since most of the articles were in PDF format.
So even though I did not find anything really profound on the site, I will try it again, because there is so much potential to be an amazing recourse in the future.

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