Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Equiano Account Response

The way he writes about his account seems disconnected, like it wasn’t exceedingly painful for him to recall and relate his story. I think that’s is because that he would want his story told, because the story is not just his. He shares it with every slave that was on that boat with him, and the boat that left before theirs, and the one that left after. The pictures were also a wonderful resource; it makes me wonder who the artist was, if he was really there. I think he might have been because they look very realistic, sharing the misery of these ships. The authors writing concurs with the images, and paints a picture of one of the greatest tragedies that mankind has ever inflicted on other men. The Englishmen’s treatment of other men was truly inconceivable, but luckily the author survived to tell us this, his, story.

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