Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Coll 101 Assignment, Part 4

4. Write a personal evaluation of the college fair experience.

The college fair was a complete success for me, but only because I was prepared in advance. If I had just shown up there, the experience would have been completely chaotic and nearly worthless. The fact I came prepared with what was important to me, the questions I wanted to ask, was invaluable.
The information I received that was the most important was probably when I asked the rep from NWCA how I could impress the admissions officers most with my portfolio or application. He told me that my portfolio was extremely important, that showing examples that you could grow and had talent was consequential. “But even more that that”, he said “you can impress us by showing a desire to learn, a desire to attend, a passion for your art.” That’s something you won’t get offline.
I don’t think I have any unanswered questions that I didn’t ask at the fair. Now my question is will my credits be transferred? But that will be part of the next step, which is starting communication with these colleges now. I should start thinking about my portfolio, and how it will affect me in the admissions process.
The fair was a great experience for me, I had fun, and I learned more in a few hours that I could have online. I met people, I shook the hands that might hold my admissions essay, I got numbers for the people Ill be talking to throughout the next three years, with all luck.

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